Jakarta, 25 March 2022 – The Sampoerna Mobile Saving raffle is again present. However, this time the points withdrawal period of February 2022 has been held on 15 March 2022. Mr. Ridy Sudarma, Corporate Communication & Investor Relations Division Head, attended the raffle as a representative of Bank Sahabat Sampoerna. The raffle was also observed and witnessed by the Ministry of Social Affairs, Social Services, Notary, and Police to maintain the raffle validity.

Do you want to know who’s lucky enough to win the raffle this time? Check it out via the raffle winner link at: https://bit.ly/undiansms250322, then look forward to this raffle video on Sampoerna Mobile Banking YouTube, Sandy’s Friend!
Don’t delay anymore. Just invite your family, relatives, and friends to save at Sampoerna Mobile Saving now to #LEBIHYAKIN win a raffle with a total prize of 3 billion Rupiah to be drawn every month!
Bank Sahabat Sampoerna reserves the right to disqualify/drop the prize if the winner is:
- Active employees of Bank Sahabat Sampoerna, Partners (KSP Sahabat Mitra Sejati and PT Mekar Investama Sampoerna)
- Identified Fraud
- Enlisted in State Blacklist
- Gifts that are disqualified /dropped will be submitted to the Indonesian Social Service following the applicable provisions.